“Brat” Green

How businesses cashed in as lime green went viral.
September 8, 2024
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goth looking female artist Charli XCX’s with lime green album called "Brat"

Lime green is in style, thanks to Charli XCX’s album Brat.

Brat summer vibes are everywhere – from NYC’s nightlife scene to TikTok.

As the color went viral, businesses began to cash in:

  • E-commerce companies leaned into brat green on Amazon and Etsy
  • Field Roast, a leading plant-based food brand, seized the “brat summer” trend to showcase its bratwursts with a bold new campaign
  • One cafe in San Diego whipped up an Iced Brat Matcha

People are even considering lime green cars, which have never been fashionable. According to Auto Trader, a car marketplace, views of lime green cars were up 24% in June compared to the same period last year.

Lime green is more than a color for businesses—it's a money-making machine.

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