Retail Crime is Driving Customers to Amazon

Amazon has emerged as the unlikely winner from the retail lockup debacle.
August 25, 2024
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white man pressing button for help to get something behind screen glass at walgreens

In response to a surge in retail crimes, retailers like Target and CVS started locking everyday items like deodorant, toothpaste, and body wash behind plastic cabinets.

While the practice was intended to stop shoplifters, it’s also stopping shoppers.

  • Secured cases can cause sales of items to drop 15-25%, per Axios
  • Instacart delivery workers are avoiding stores with locked-up merchandise, per The New York Post

Amazon has emerged as the unlikely winner from the retail lockup debacle. In the company’s latest earnings call, CEO Andy Jassy noted that Amazon’s customer experience is resonating given what’s happening in the physical world, with how much is locked behind cabinets.

Shoppers are looking for ease and finding it on Amazon.

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