Top AngelList Rolling Funds 2024

Check out the best AngelList Rolling Funds 2024: subscription amount, management fee, carry, the best companies they invested in, and more.
February 24, 2024
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Top AngelList Rolling Funds featuring CapitalX, Immad Akhund, Roger Dickey

What is an AngelList Rolling Fund?

An AngelList Rolling Fund is a venture capital structure that allows fund managers to accept capital as an auto-renewing quarterly commitment. Rolling Funds fall under 506(c), which allows fund managers to talk about their fundraising publicly, but they can only take money from accredited investors. AngelList verifies the accreditation status of investors when they sign up for the platform.

Top AngelList Rolling Funds 2024

There are 700+ venture funds on AngelList, which have invested in ~300 startups valued at $1 billion+. Here are the top rolling funds:

1. CapitalX by Cindy Bi

Cindy Bi has a blend of consulting, founder, and operator experience. Since starting investing in 2011, she has seeded 200+ startups.

Investments include: Rippling, Zapier, Retool, Algolia, Flutterwave

- Subscription amount: $15,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2.5% per year over 10 years

- Carry: Base carry is 20%, then increases to 25% after the fund realizes a 3x return

2. Kamal Ravikant Rolling Fund

Kamal Ravikant is a former founder and the brother of Naval Ravikant, who founded AngelList.

Investments include: Carta, Vercel, Starkware, Cleartax, Alation

- Subscription amount: $15,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

3. Gomila Capital by Jude Gomila

Jude Gomila is the CEO of Golden, a data discovery tool that helps research and track information on millions of topics and entities.

Investments include: Airtable, Gusto, Benchling, Mercury, Ginkgo Bioworks

- Subscription amount: $25k per quarter

- Subscription period: 4-8 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

4. Immad Akhund Rolling Fund

Immad Akhund is the CEO of Mercury, which provides banking to startups. He sold his last company, Heyzap, for $45 million and also worked as a part-time partner at Y Combinator.

Investments include: Rappi, Airtable, Rippling, Substack, Golden

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 1-8 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%


5. Nitesh Banta Rolling Fund

Nitesh Banta is the CEO of B12, an AI website builder. He was previously a VC at General Catalyst and co-founded Rough Draft Ventures while he was there.

Investments include: Pilot, Grammarly, Tagomi, Brainly, Mark43

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 1.75% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 25%

6. Paradox Capital by Kyle Tibbitts

Kyle Tibbitts is the CMO of Wander, a proptech startup. Before that, he led marketing at companies like Opendoor, Fast, and HotelTonight.

Investments include: OpenStore, Primer, Wander, Acquire, Clubhouse

- Subscription amount: $12,500+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

7. Draft Ventures II by Artia Moghbel and David Rodriguez

Artia Moghbel and David Rodriguez met while they were investors at Greycroft. Artia was formerly the COO at DFINITY and Overnight. David was formerly the COO at Slide and Director of Strategy and Business Development at Adobe. 

Investments include: Notion, Stargaze, Goldfinch, Copper Banking, Thrive Market

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 1 Quarter

- Management fee: 1.85% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

8. Roger Dickey’s Rolling Fund

Roger Dickey is the CEO of Made Renovation, an all-in-one home renovation solution. He also founded Gigster ($100m+ in total revenue) and Mafia Wars ($1b+ in total revenue).

Investments include: Opendoor, Rappi, Docker, OpenGov, Boom Supersonic

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 2-16 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

9. Kulveer Taggar Rolling Fund

Kulveer Taggar is the CEO of Zeus, a tech-enabled property manager.

Investments include: Mux, Lyft, Robinhood, Rickshaw, Boom Supersonic

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

10. Diaspora Ventures by Carlos Diaz and Marvin Liao

Carlos Diaz is the CEO of Uncut, which helps communities use web3 principles like NFTs. He has started several other companies and previously was an investor at ISAI Gestion. Marvin Liao was a commercial director for EMEA markets at Yahoo and previously a partner at 500 Global.

Investments include: Checkr, Algolia, Qualio, Aircall, Shippo

- Subscription amount: $12,500+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

11. Ligature by Daniel Scrivner & Dan Becker

Daniel Scrivner is Head of Product Design & Creative Teams at ClassDojo. Dan Becker is a Senior Staff UX Manager, Workspace at Google. He has previous leadership design positions at Instagram, Pulley, Strava, and more.

Investments include: Public, AtoB, Array, Levels, Reforge

- Subscription amount: $5,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4-16 Quarters

- Management fee: 0.25% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 22%

12. Sahil Lavingia Rolling Fund

Sahil Lavingia is the founder of Gumroad, a simple e-commerce platform that helps creators sell products. He was employee #2 at Pinterest and has a background in software engineering and design.

Investments include: Figma, HelloSign, Brave Care, Lambda School, Baseten

- Subscription amount: $6,250+ Quarterly

- Subscription period:1-16 Quarters

- Management fee: 2.5% per year over 10 years

- Carry: Base carry is 20%, then increases to 30% after the fund realizes a 3x return

13. Anti Fund by Geoffrey Woo and Jake Paul

Geoffrey Woo is the founder of Archive, an AI-powered platform for social listening. He’s started multiple companies including Glassmap, which was acquired by Groupon. Jake Paul is a social media influencer and the founder of Betr, a sports betting platform.

Investments include: Ramp, Wander, Alchemy, Chronosphere, Betr

- Subscription amount: $25,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

14. Shaan and Romeen’s Angel Fund by Shaan Puri and Romeen Sheth

Shaan Puri was the CEO of bebo, which was acquired by Twitch. He is one of the hosts of My First Million podcast. He also started one of the fastest growing newsletters in the crypto space, Milk Road. Romeen Sheth is the CEO of Metasys Technologies, which helps customers with their procurement and talent operations.

Investments include: Replit, Deel, TripleWhale, Maven

- Subscription amount: $12,500+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

15. Latitud by Brian Requarth and Gina Gotthilf

Latitud runs a talent fellowship for LatAm founders. Brian Requarth was the founder of VivaReal, which sold to Zap for $550 million. Gina Gotthilf was the VP of Marketing and Growth at Duolingo. 

Investments include: QuintoAndar, Pomelo, La Haus, Chiper, Clara

- Subscription amount: $5,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 1 Quarter

- Management fee: 1.8% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

16. Coelius Capital Rolling Fund by Zach Coelius

Zach Coelius was the CEO of Triggit, an online advertising technology company.

Investments include: Branch, Mercury, Cruise, mParticle, HelloSign

- Subscription amount: $10k per quarter

- Subscription period: 1 Quarter

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

17. UV by Peter Livingston and Thibault Reichelt

Peter Livingston was the CEO of Lifesquare, a digital health company, and the first engineer at iRhythm Technologies. Thibault Reichelt is a partner at Capitoria, a VC portfolio of family offices, and has a legal background.

Investments include: Jeeves, Yassir, Zepto, Kyte, 99 Minutos

- Subscription amount: $12,500+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 8-24 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%


18. Climate Capital by Sundeep Ahuja

Sundeep Ahuja was a partner at Republic, an investing platform. Before that he was a principal business development manager at AWS and worked in product at places like MySpace and eBay.

Investments include: Mosaic, Mighty Buildings, Noya, Arcadia, BlockPower

- Subscription amount: $5,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 1 Quarter

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

19. Unwritten Ventures by Jonathan Wasserstrum

Jonathan Wasserstrum founded SquareFoot, a venture-backed prop-tech startup funded by RRE and DRW VC.

Investments include: Alma, Atmos, Wander, Landis, David Energy

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4-8 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%


20. Trucks Growth Fund

Jeff Schox is a patent attorney. Kathryn Schox was the COO of Schox, a law firm. Reilly Brennan is known for his FoT newsletter, targeted at major car companies, banks, and governments.  Puneeth Meruva worked as a software engineer at Uber and BMW.

Investments include: Joby Aviation, Gatik, Bear Flag Robotics, AEye, Roadster

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 1 Quarter

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: Base carry is 20%, then increases to 30% after the fund realizes a 3x return


21. AK Capital by Avlok Kohli

Avlok Kohli is the CEO of AngelList, infrastructure to help investors invest in startups.

Investments include: Momentus Space, Settle, Superblocks, Eight Sleep, Presail

- Subscription amount: $12,500+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

22. Kepler Operator’s Fund by Tyler Willis and Julian Weisser

Tyler Willis is the COO of Unsupervised. Julian Weisser is the CEO of On Deck.

Investments include: Patreon, Lattice, Wander, Traba

- Subscription amount: $10,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: ​4 Quarters

- Management fee: 0% per year over 10 years

- Carry: Base carry is 20%, then increases to 30% after the fund realizes a 3x return

23. Sustainable Food Ventures by Ryan Bethencourt and Mariliis Holm 

Ryan Bethencourt is the CEO of Wild Earth, plant-based pet food. Mariliis Holm was a founder of Nonfood, algae-based foods, and the former Head of Food Science at Finless Foods.

Investments include: Geltor, Memphis Meats, The EVERY Co., NotCo, Shiok Meats

- Subscription amount: $5,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 1 Quarter

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

24. Pioneer Opportunity Fund by Jason Gray and Tim Suzman

Pioneer Fund is a fund run by YC alums. They invest in YC-backed startups. The Pioneer Opportunity Fund invests in the best follow-on rounds from Pioneer Fund and the broader YC network. Jason Gray was the CEO of SunFarmer, providing reliable and affordable solar energy in developing countries. Tim Suzman was the founder of BooksOnCampus, Graffiti, and Fearless.

Investments include: Snackpass, Shogun, Shef

- Subscription amount: $25,000+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4-8 Quarters

- Management fee: 2% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%


25. Alter

Alter is led by Jesse Sullivan. He was a governor candidate in Illinois and an Analyst for the United States Department of Defense.

Investments include: Inventa, Kippa, Tazah Technologies, Pomelo, Melonn

- Subscription amount: $12,500+ Quarterly

- Subscription period: 4-8 Quarters

- Management fee: 2.5% per year over 10 years

- Carry: 20%

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