
Infracost exists to empower engineering teams to use cloud infrastructure economically and efficiently.







Dev Tools

Company Description

Shift FinOps Left. For engineers, we help engineers know cloud costs before they buy resources via infrastructure as code. We also help them make cost optimization as they code vis our FinOps Policy Packs, and ensure that all resources that can be tagged, are tagged correctly. All in the code, the source of truth. For managers, FinOps and team leads, as soon as Infracost is connected to your GitHub or GitLab environment, we scan it and report on all the resources that are using non-FinOps compliant resources (e.g. old instance types, old volumes, no data retention policies etc), and all resources which are failing your tagging policy. This creates a list of resources to fix within the code, including exactly which code line item has to be fixed. This enables engineers to act fact and fix issues.

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Total Raised

$3.2 million



Significant Investors

Sequoia Capital, Y Combinator, SV Angel, Mango Capital

Company Traction

  • As of September 2021, Infracost tracks over 3 million price points from AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • Infracost customers include teams at GitLab, HelloFresh, Daimler, Accenture, NBC Sports Group, JPMorgan Chase, Hewlett-Packard, PicPay, and BMW.
  • As of May 2023, Infracost’s GitHub profile has 9.1K stars, 459 stars, and 77 contributors.

Leadership Team

  • Alistair Scott: Co-Founder of Infracost. Former Co-Founder of AbarCloud.
  • Tim McFadden: Principal Engineer at Infracost. Former Principal Engineer at RightScale.

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