Best Resources for Bootstrapping

Find links to more resources you can use to learn how to bootstrap your business successfully.
February 28, 2024
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Here is a list of the best resources for learning how to bootstrap your small business successfully:

  • Subscribe to Boring Business Nerd. Yes, this website, at the bottom of this post. I post actionable tips and guides to help you bootstrap your business. 

  • Follow Pieter Levels on Twitter. He's a serial entrepreneur who bootstraps all of his business ventures, most notably Photo AI ($46K in revenue in the last 30 days), Interior AI ($31K in revenue over the previous 30 days), and Nomad List ($40K in revenue in the last 30 days). I appreciate his transparency around his revenue and expenses on each project. 

  • Check out the Indie Hackers website. There, you can meet and learn from other people bootstrapping their businesses.

  • Follow Andrew Gazdecki on Twitter. Andrew is the Founder of Acquire, a marketplace to buy and sell businesses. He regularly shares stories from bootstrapped business owners and tips to get started.

  • Check out the Small Business Association (SBA) website for upcoming events. The independent agency of the government routinely hosts events dedicated to bootstrapping where you can learn the fundamentals.

  • Follow Justin Welsh on Twitter. He is a bootstrapped founder who notably scaled to $3 million in revenue in just over 1,000 days. His portfolio of companies is online businesses, including a newsletter with 90,000 subscribers.

  • Follow Nick Huber on Twitter. He shares "sweaty startups," or companies anyone can bootstrap with the right mentality and hustle, such as a lawn care business. Nick has bootstrapped multiple companies to seven figures, including his current business, which is a self-storage unit business.
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