7 Proven Marketing Bootstrapping Tips

Learn about various marketing tactics you can utilize to bootstrap your business.
February 28, 2024
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Bootstrapping is the process of starting a business using minimal outside funding. Here are some marketing bootstrapping tips that you could implement for your business to drive new customers.

1. Develop a Presence on Social Media

Every major brand has a social media strategy, and the good news for you is that these platforms are free to post. Use free social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, and more to generate leads and bring awareness to your business. In addition to creating company social media accounts, make sure also to use your personal accounts to promote your company, which is an even more effective marketing tool.

2. Cross-Posting Content

Developing quality content takes time. Once you’ve created a piece of content, ensure you maximize its potential reach to reach potential customers. Cut every piece of content you create into different formats so you can cross-post it. For example, if you film a 12-minute video for YouTube, that could be cut into smaller 2 or 3-minute clips that are also posted on YouTube. You could also take snippets to post YouTube Shorts and other platforms such as Instagram, Instagram Reels, and TikTok.

3. Free-Giveaways

Everybody loves free stuff. Remember back in school when they used to give free food away? I would take the free food even though I had lunch, and the free food was not even that good! Offer something free in return for a post on social media. For example, a sushi restaurant may offer free edamame for customers who check in on Facebook or write a review on Yelp. Offer something free on social media for users who tag a friend on a post.

4. Email Lists and Newsletters

Email lists and newsletters are still one of the best affordable marketing tools for converting users into paid users. Start an email list of customers and fans of your business to share about new products or services and opportunities to get involved.

5. Attend Tradeshows and Industry Events

While having a full-on exhibit or booth at an industry event is nice, it’s not necessary to generate new business. Participate in industry events as an attendee instead of an exhibitor to network with potential customers without paying hefty fees.

6. Create a Blog on Your Website

Blogging SEO-related content drives organic traffic from search engines based on keywords, internal linking, and more.

7. Create a Referral Program

Referral programs are a great way to use your satisfied customers to help you get more clients and incentivize those customers to come back. For example, a car wash may give customers a free wash for every new friend or family member they send them.

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