How AI is Protecting the Power Grid

Maintaining trees next to power lines is a $10B annual exercise.
September 29, 2024
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diagram showing how a tree falling on a power line can cause a spark and fire

A lot of fires are started from trees falling on power lines and vice versa.

The U.S. has over 8 million trees within “striking distance” of 5.5 million miles of power lines.

It’s an almost impossible challenge; the exercise costs utility companies $10B annually.

Enter artificial intelligence (AI). Startups like Pano AI and AiDash are teaming up with utility companies to help them monitor everything at once and evaluate risk in real-time.

  • AiDash reported their technology reduced outages by 30% and the duration of outages by 55% for one of its utility customers

AI is keeping the power on.

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