How to Start a Car Wash Business

A step-by-step guide to start a car wash business including the legal and regulatory requirements, how to pick a location, and more.
February 24, 2024
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The car wash industry is a vital and ever-growing sector of the automotive industry that provides cleaning and maintenance services to car owners. Car washes range from simple, self-serve facilities to full-service car washes with advanced equipment and technology.

Starting a car wash business can be profitable with the proper planning, resources, and execution. So buckle up, in this post I will show you how to start a car wash business.

Reasons to Start a Car Wash Business

Starting a car wash business can be an attractive opportunity for entrepreneurs for several reasons:

  • The car wash industry is a profitable and growing sector that generates significant business revenue. According to a report by IBIS World, the car wash and auto detailing industry in the United States has an annual revenue of $11 billion and has been growing at a rate of 3.1% per year since 2021.

  • The demand for car wash services is rising as more car owners seek convenient, affordable, and high-quality cleaning services for their vehicles. The International Carwash Association reports that the average revenue for a car wash business in the United States is around $700,000 per year.

  • A car wash business provides a flexible and rewarding career path for individuals who are passionate about the automotive industry and enjoy working with customers.

  • A successful car wash business can create jobs, contribute to the local economy, and provide a valuable service to the community. The car wash industry in the U.S. employs over 240,000 people.

1. Market Research

When starting a car wash business, the first step is to conduct market research to understand the area's demographics, competition, and market demand. Collecting this information will help you find key insights that you can use to differentiate your car wash business from the rest.

Some ways to go about your market research include:

  • Search the United States Census Bureau Database. This is the best place to find data on the demographics of your target area. Here you can find income levels, population size, age distribution, employment rate, and more.

  • Run a Google and Yelp search. This is the best way to identify competitors in the area. See what services they offer, how they market themselves, how they retain customers, and what customers say about them.

  • Visit the Car Washes in Person. Observe their operations, customer service, pricing, loyalty programs, and quality of work. Take notes and compare the strengths and weaknesses of each business.

  • Talk to Customers. Talk to customers who have used the services of existing car wash businesses in the target area to gain insights into their preferences, expectations, and experiences and to identify areas where competitors are falling short. Learn about how frequently they visit a car wash, their preferred methods, and the types of services and packages they are looking for.

  • Talk to Suppliers. Reach out to suppliers in the car wash industry and ask for their insights on the market in your area. They may be able to provide you with valuable information on the size of the market, pricing strategies, and market trends.

  • Scout your Location. Consider factors such as population density, traffic flow, accessibility. For example, a location near a freeway might be more accessible than another location you are scouting. We’ll go in depth on how to find the right location later in the guide.

I created an example of market research for a car wash business that you can use as a template here.

Keep your market information organized on a spreadsheet and reference it as you make decisions for your car wash business. For example, when determining which days of the week your car wash operates, you can reference your spreadsheet to see, all in one place, when your competitors are open and how much traffic they are getting.

2. Business Plan

The next step to starting a car wash business is to create a business plan. This document will be the foundation of your car wash business and something the bank will request if you plan to finance your business through a traditional loan. 

A good business plan is concise, clear, factually correct, and captures the reader’s attention. 

The business plan for a car wash business should include the following:

  • Executive Summary. Key points of your business plan. Why will this company be successful? Focus on the strengths of your plan.


  • Business Description. What your business does, what services you offer, and the entity's legal structure.

  • Market Research. What you learned about the area's demographics, competition, and market demand for your target area.

  • Sales and Marketing. How will you attract customers and retain customers, and what strategies and tactics will you use to make this happen.

  • Financial Projections. If your business is already open, you will want to keep historical records of your Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow statements. Otherwise, I recommend including projections of revenue, expenses, and cash flow broken down by month. Cash flow projections are important to include since there’s upfront costs with a car wash business.

  • Sources and Uses of Capital. How much money do you need to operate this business and how will the money be used?

  • Management Team. Who is involved, and what are the team's qualifications.

I compiled an example business plan for a car wash business that you can use as a template here.

Don’t overthink this. Your business plan can be a fluid, living document that you can update over time as you progress, get more information, and decide how to build your car wash.

3. Business Incorporation and Basics

Now, it’s time to turn this idea into a real company! The next step in opening up this car wash business is to incorporate and set up your business basics.

Types of Business Entities

There are several types of business entities you can choose from when incorporating your car wash business. While I lay out the most common types below, most car wash businesses are structured as LLC’s because they provide liability protection to their owners and may offer tax advantages.

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC). It’s a popular choice for small businesses and how most car wash businesses are structured.

  • Partnership. A partnership is a business owned by two or more individuals who share the profits and losses. This entity type may be suitable for a car wash business with multiple owners.

  • Corporation. A corporation is a separate legal entity from its owners, providing personal liability protection. However, it's more complex to set up and maintain than other business entities.

  • Sole Proprietorship. This is the simplest form of business entity, where a single person owns and operates the business. While it's easy to set up, it offers no liability protection.

How to Incorporate your Car Wash

The process of incorporating your car wash business will vary depending on the type of business entity you choose and the state you're incorporating in. Since these are legal documents and can affect your business, I recommend getting help from a professional. While I list several options for partners below with different specialties, most of these partners provide full-service incorporation help, meaning you’ll only need to engage with one. Professionals who can help you with business incorporation include:

  • Law Firms. They can guide you in choosing the correct business entity, filing the necessary paperwork, and ensuring compliance with state laws.

  • Accounting Firms. An accountant can guide the financial aspects of incorporating your small business, such as tax implications and financial reporting requirements.

  • Incorporation Service Companies. Many companies specialize in providing incorporation services for small businesses. These companies can assist with the paperwork and filing process and may offer additional services such as registered agent services, business license filings, and tax ID number applications.

  • Software Companies. Companies like LegalZoom, Gust, Stripe, and AngelList have built software to help you incorporate your business. I’ve linked to their incorporation products. Most of these software companies target startups rather than small businesses, so it might not be the best option for your car wash.

When deciding on which partner, consider factors such as their track record, fees, customer service, and any additional services they offer. While doing your research beforehand is important, incorporating your business shouldn’t take that long.

Set up your website

Next, you’ll want to buy your domain name (website URL) and set up your website. In today's digital age, a website is essential for promoting your business, attracting new customers, and communicating with existing ones.

I recommend using Google Domains or GoDaddy to purchase your domain name. You can read this article for more information on considerations to make when selecting your domain name.

Once you have your domain name, you can set up your website. You can use popular website builders, code the website if you’re an engineer, or pay someone to code it. I recommend using a website builder for this step since it’s fast and cheap. You can get your website up and running within a couple of days! I used Webflow to build Boring Business Nerd’s website, but I have used other website builders for other projects. You can find more information about the best website builders here.

4. Legal and Regulatory Requirements

To operate a car wash business, you must obtain the proper permits and licenses and comply with environmental and safety regulations. A car wash has the following legal and regulatory requirements:

  • Business License. You must obtain a business license from your local government before you can legally operate a car wash business. Note this is not the same thing as entity incorporation. For example, I must visit the California Secretary of State’s website to obtain a business license in California and follow the instructions.

  • Zoning and Land Use. Visit the website of your local government or municipality and look for information related to zoning and land use regulations. For example, I found the zoning requirements for car washes in Lawndale, California.

  • Environmental Regulations and Development Standards. Visit the website of your local government or municipality and look for information related to environmental regulations and development standards. For example, I found California's development standards for all car washes. You may need to obtain a permit for your wastewater discharge, and you may be required to use water recycling systems to conserve water.

  • Water Use Regulations. Some states restrict the amount of water that a car wash can use. Check with your state government to see if any water use regulations apply to your business.

  • Safety Requirements. You will need to comply with safety regulations related to using chemicals and equipment in your car wash. You may also need to have safety equipment and signage in place to protect your customers and employees. For example, under OSHA standard 1910.134, a car wash must have sufficient ventilation in the wash bay and anywhere else that exposes workers to cleaning chemicals and exhaust fumes.

  • Employment Laws. If you plan to hire employees for your car wash, you must comply with employment laws regarding minimum wage, overtime pay, workers’ compensation, and other labor regulations. For example, I found California’s employment laws.

  • Insurance. It is vital to have insurance coverage for your car wash business, including liability insurance, property insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, business interruption insurance, and commercial auto insurance. There are many insurance brokers or companies that you can work with.

  • Tax Obligation. As a business owner, you must pay taxes on your income and may also be required to collect sales tax from customers. Again, check state and federal laws to see which ones apply to your car wash business.

With any business, you need to follow the legal and regulatory requirements. A car wash is no different. Therefore, I recommend asking for help and even calling government entities to ensure compliance before investing lots of money into your car wash or signing a lease for a location. 

5. Funding

Starting a car wash business requires a significant investment of money. The cost to open can vary depending on the size and scope of the operation, location, and type of services offered. According to industry estimates, the average cost to open a self-serve car wash ranges from $50,000 to $150,000, while the cost to open an automatic car wash can range from $500,000 to $1 million. 

You can raise capital in the form of debt or equity. Debt is generally less flexible since if you miss interest payments then you could default on your loan and lose your assets. Equity is more expensive than debt since investors get paid out by dividends and at the time of sale.

Most car wash businesses are financed through debt capital. Here are some funding options to consider when starting a car wash business:

  • Self-funding. Self-funding is an option for those with the necessary capital to start a business. This can include personal savings, investments, or borrowing from family and friends. Self-funding can give you more control over the business and help you avoid the interest and fees associated with loans.

  • Small Business Loans. Small business loans are a popular funding option for new business owners. These loans can be obtained from banks, credit unions, or online lenders.

  • SBA Loans. SBA loans are backed by the U.S. Small Business Administration and designed to help small businesses obtain funding. These loans typically offer lower interest rates and longer repayment terms than traditional bank loans. The maximum amount for an SBA Loan is $5 million.

  • Franchise Opportunities. Franchising is another option for those looking to start a car wash business. Franchise opportunities can provide you with a proven business model, marketing support, and other resources to help you get started. However, franchising typically requires a significant upfront investment, ongoing royalties, and fees.

  • Equity investors. Raising equity capital from investors is one option to fund a car wash business. Equity investors typically seek high returns on their investment and are willing to take on a higher level of risk compared to other forms of financing.

Obtaining funding for a car wash can be a time-consuming and arduous task. Read this article for more tips on fundraising for a small business.

6. Pick a Location and Purchase Supplies

Location, facility requirements, and equipment and supplies are all critical factors to consider when starting a car wash business. Choosing the right location, ensuring that your facility meets specific requirements, and investing in high-quality equipment and supplies can help ensure the success of your business.

Choosing a location

Choosing the right location is one of the most critical factors in starting a successful car wash business. A well-chosen location will attract more customers and increase profitability. Before paying on a lease, consider factors such as population density, traffic flow, accessibility, and local competition. For example, a location near busy roads, shopping centers, and residential areas can be advantageous. Additionally, ensuring that the facility has adequate parking space and meets environmental regulations and zoning requirements is vital. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can find a location that is visible, accessible, and attractive to potential customers.

Facility requirements

Facility requirements are essential in starting a successful car wash business. The facility should have enough space to accommodate all the necessary equipment and vehicles, such as a large lot and multiple bays. It is also essential to ensure that the facility meets environmental regulations, including proper drainage systems to prevent pollution. The design and layout of the building should be attractive and efficient, ensuring customers have a pleasant experience while their vehicles are being cleaned. Adequate lighting and security measures should also be in place to ensure customer safety. By carefully considering facility requirements, you can create an efficient, environmentally friendly car wash that is appealing to customers.

Equipment and Supplies

Based on your car wash's services, create a list of equipment and supplies you will need to purchase to operate. For example, you might need high-quality pressure washers, vacuums, water tanks, soap dispensers, and other tools to provide top-notch cleaning services. Then research car wash suppliers to see who can provide the best products for the price. I recommend trying to negotiate here since car wash suppliers need repeat customers. For example, I might try to get a discount on products if I work exclusively with them instead of working with multiple car wash suppliers. Investing in the right equipment and supplies can improve the quality of your services, reduce cleaning time, and increase customer satisfaction.

7. Build your Team

Staff recruitment, training, and management are crucial to a successful car wash business. It is important to have a skilled and motivated team that can provide excellent customer service and deliver high-quality results.

Consider the size and scope of your business to determine the appropriate staffing levels. For example, depending on the size of your car wash, you may need attendants to assist customers, mechanics to maintain equipment, and managers to oversee operations.


There are several ways to recruit employees for a car wash business. Here are some standard recruitment methods:

  • Online Job Boards. Post job openings on online job boards like Indeed, LinkedIn, or Glassdoor.

  • Local Job Fairs. Participate in your local job fair or career fair to connect with job seekers in your area.

  • Referrals. Encourage your family, friends, and community to refer qualified candidates to join your team. You can offer incentives, such as bonuses or gift cards, to employees who refer successful hires.

  • Social Media. Promote your job openings on social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter.

  • Staffing Agencies. Work with a staffing agency to find qualified candidates quickly and efficiently. Staffing agencies can help with job postings, candidate screening, and other aspects of the hiring process. This is the most expensive option on this list.

  • Paid Advertising. Post an ad in your local newspaper or spend money on social media advertisements to find candidates for your job openings.

Overall, several ways exist to recruit employees for a car wash business. It is essential to consider your specific needs and resources when developing a recruitment strategy. By using a combination of methods, you can increase your chances of finding qualified candidates and building a solid team for your business.


Training is essential to developing a skilled and effective team of car wash employees. Here are some steps to follow when training new employees:

  • Provide an Overview of the Business. Start by providing new employees with an overview of the car wash business, including its history, mission, and goals. This can help them understand their role in the business and how their work contributes to its success.

  • Introduce Equipment and Procedures. Provide a comprehensive introduction to the equipment and procedures used in the car wash. This can include operating the car wash equipment, handling cash and credit card transactions, and maintaining a clean and safe facility.

  • Emphasize Customer Service. Provide training on how to interact with customers in a friendly and professional manner, handle complaints or issues that may arise, and provide a positive customer experience.

  • Safety and Compliance Training. Ensure employees receive training on safety procedures and compliance requirements, including chemical handling, equipment safety, and relevant regulations or laws.

  • Provide Hands-On Training. Provide hands-on training to allow new employees to practice using the equipment and procedures needed to perform their job. This can include practicing with a mock car or offering supervised practice with actual customers.

Follow these steps, and you’ll set up new employees at your car wash business for success. While all of this is important, I recommend you take the time and effort to get to know and build relationships with your employees. You’ll find more fulfillment in your work, and it’s a wise business decision.


Once you’ve recruited and provided initial employee training, it’s important to have the right management team to oversee your car wash operation. Your management team should focus on the following business activities:

  • Day-to-day Operations. A car wash manager should oversee the business's day-to-day operations, including scheduling staff, ensuring job responsibilities are being performed to the highest standards, managing inventory and supplies, and ensuring that equipment is maintained and functioning correctly.

  • Hiring and Staffing. A car wash manager recruits, hires and trains staff members. They should ensure that the right people are in the correct positions and have the necessary skills and experience to perform their job effectively.

  • Marketing and Promotion. A car wash manager should develop and implement marketing and promotional strategies to attract and retain customers. This can include social media campaigns, email marketing, and other forms of advertising.

  • Continuous Improvement. A car wash manager should always look for ways to improve the business, whether by streamlining operations, investing in new equipment, or seeking feedback from customers and employees.

  • Financial Management. A car wash manager should be responsible for managing the financial aspects of the business, including budgeting, cash flow, and expenses. They should also ensure the business meets its financial goals and targets.

It’s your responsibility to recruit the right leaders on your management team and motivate them to hit the goals you set with them. 

8. Marketing and Promotion

There are several effective ways car washes can market and promote themselves to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Here are some key strategies:

  • Loyalty Programs. Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers and incentivize them to return. Offer discounts or free services after a certain number of visits or spending.

  • Referral Programs. Encourage satisfied customers to refer their friends and family to your car wash by offering rewards for successful referrals.

  • Discount Programs. For example, you could give discounts to seniors, students, or first-time customers. Another strategy many car washes use is offering discounts on certain days of the week (25% off on Tuesdays) to encourage people to come when business is traditionally slow.

  • Flyers and Postcards. It’s old-school, but distributing flyers or postcards in your local community to promote your car wash business can be an effective marketing tactic.

  • Social Media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be powerful tools for promoting a car wash business. Share pictures and videos of your car wash, showcase happy customers, and promote special offers and discounts.

  • Email Marketing. Collect customer email addresses and send regular newsletters or promotional emails to keep them engaged with your business.

  • Partnerships. Consider partnering with other local businesses or organizations to promote each other's services. This can help expand your customer base and increase visibility.

You can market and promote your car wash business in several ways. I recommend testing these methods and quantifying the most impactful ones to your bottom line.

9. Growth and Expansion

Once you have established a successful car wash business, consider strategies for growth and expansion. The most popular ones are:

  • Add Additional Business Lines. Talk to your customers and research which products or services they might buy. For example, you could add detailing, oil changes, retail car accessories, or other services to your car wash business.

  • Add Another Location. Find an area with high demand for car wash services and open up a new location.

  • Franchise your Car Wash. Franchising is an attractive option for entrepreneurs who want to expand their car wash business while minimizing risks. By franchising, you can benefit from an established brand and operating system and access to a network of resources and support. You can generate revenue from franchise fees and ongoing royalties as a franchisor. 

  • Add Vending Machines. To enhance customer experience and increase your car wash's profitability, you may want to think about installing vending machines. By offering snacks, drinks, and other essentials, customers can enjoy added convenience while waiting for their car.

By carefully considering your options and investing strategically in your business, you can take your car wash to the next level and achieve long-term success.

A car wash business can be profitable with the right planning, resources, and execution. If this guide helped you start or improve your car wash business, please email me at because I would love to feature you and share your story.

Thanks for reading!

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