McDonald’s Self-Service Kiosks

Self-service kiosks at McDonald’s were supposed to take jobs. Instead, something surprising happened.
September 29, 2024
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mcdonald's self-service kisks next to mcdonald's burger, fries, and coke

Self-service kiosks at McDonald’s and other fast-food chains have always been depicted as a significant threat to the industry's jobs.

Instead, something surprising happened. Self-service kiosks aren’t replacing workers; instead, they’re effectively transferring labor to other parts of the restaurant. Employees are shifting from behind the cash register to maintaining the dining area, delivering food to customers, or working in the kitchen.

Self-service kiosks also have the added benefit of "guaranteeing the upsell.” Customers are typically willing to spend 10-30% more when engaging with self-service kiosks than with a human.

Given all the benefits, it’s surprising that leading chains like Subway, Starbucks, and Chick-fil-A don’t use them that much or at all.

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