Pig-Organ Transplants

How pigs could help end the shortage of organs for transplants.
September 29, 2024
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So, you need an organ donor?

There’s a long waiting list—more than 100,000 people in the U.S. are on organ transplant lists. The vast majority need kidneys, which currently have a 5-year national average wait time.

One startup, eGenesis, wants to develop human-compatible organs derived from pigs.

Pigs are supposedly close to humans regarding how their kidneys, hearts, and livers work.

eGenesis is making significant progress. Earlier this year, it provided the first kidney transplant in a living person and is in talks with the Food & Drug Administration about clinical trials for pig kidney and pediatric heart transplants.

With end-stage kidney disease rates expected to spike 29-68% in the U.S. by 2030 as a result of an aging population and rising rates of diabetes, let’s hope pig transplants can help end the shortage of organs for transplants.

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